There are new reports of Facebook’s SDK crashing apps again due to server changes. The post above links to Bugsnag article which explores the underlying cause: that’s worth a read.

I’m going to throw a shout-out to Go’s approach to error handling here. I’m not saying that this shows the superiority of Go over Objective C: these sorts of things can happen in any language. The difference I want to highlight is that Go treats error handling as part of the standard flow of the language, rather than the exceptional flow. This forces you to think about error conditions when you’re making calls to code that can fail.

This does result in some annoying code of the form:

result, err := doOperation()
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

result2, err := doSecondOperation(result)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

// and so on

and there’s nothing stopping your from completely ignoring the error.

But there’s no way to call these two functions without dealing with the error in some way. That is, there’s no way to simply write doSecondOperation(doOperation()): you’re given an error and you have to do something with it. So you might as well handle it gracefully.

P.S. I should probably state that I know very little about Objective C. I do know that a fair number of APIs in AppKit and UIKit make use of completion handlers which can provide an error value, although to me it seems a littler easier to ignore it vs. deailing with the error values in Go. I also know that Swift makes improvements here, forcing you to prefix calls that can fail with the try keyword. Again, this is not to rag on Objective C; rather it’s a comment on the idioms of error handling in Go and how these sort of events could prevent the app from crashing.