So apparently tonight’s earworm is lesser known songs from Men At Work’s “Business As Usual” album, like People Just Love To Play With Words, I Can See It In Your Eyes, and Be Good Johnny. 🎵
Speaking of Anders Jensen, he’s composed a few songs for the 8 Bit Keys YouTube channel. Usually he’ll release them as tracks on his albums, but I couldn’t find the last one he wrote, and I’ve been liking it a lot. So I’m placing a time-stamped link to it here so I can go back to it. 📺
Have been on Bandcamp buying more music from Anders Enger Jensen. Started listening to both Retro Grooves Version 4 and Version 5. Can recommend the first track on version 4. 🎵
I’ve been watching that YouTube video about plagiarism that was mentioned on the latest episode of Shop Talk (some other podcast I listened to recently may have also mentioned it, although I can’t remember which one). I’m only an hour in — it’s more than 3 hours long so it’ll take me a couple of days to watch the whole thing — but it’s been fascinating. It’s quite something to see how blatant some of these cases of plagiarism are. 📺
📺 Dave’s Garage - the Dave Cutler interviews
You know the feeling when you see a YouTube interview of someone talking about their work, and you’re left feeling “gosh, I wish that person also had a YouTube channel.” This is one of those interviews. Fascinating, if short, discussion from the architect of Windows NT.
Edit: This YouTube video might be the full interview. Via Michael Tsai.
🎵 Epic Grandpa, by Izioq
This has been a bit of an earworm recently, after hearing it in this YouTube video (thank-you to those who credit composers in their videos). I think the Mellotron was the hook for me. Reminds me of Phaedra.
🎵 Pippin, the New Broadway Cast Recording, by Stephen Schwartz.
One of the defining memories of my life was in Year 10, playing the viola in the pit orchestra of our high-school production of Pippin. Good times.
One of a handfull of albums I use to play constantly on the record player when I was a kid.
My recent YouTube watching has been about theme-parks, predominantly Disney. I’m not an theme-park enthusiast but I found both Theme Park History and Defunctland really interesting channels to watch. HT to Reconcilable Differences and Really Specific Stories, which mentioned the two channels. 📺
Also rediscovered Fleetwood Mac, after a long pause since hearing it when I was a kid. Seems “Dreams” is the more popular one (I keep hearing it at the gym), but for myself, I just love the instrumentation of “Little Lies”. 🎵
Rediscovered Nigel Westlake’s Antarctica — Suit for guitar and orchestra. First heard it in Year 11 Music, when we had to study the score. Started listening to it again about a month ago. You’d want the version with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. Slightly more refined than the original. 🎵
📺 Sophie Koonin – This Website Is under Construction, a Love Letter to the Personal Website
Saw this boosted on A really good talk on why having your own place on the web is worth it.
🎵 Going Home: Theme from Local Hero
This week’s earworm. Apparently I loved this track when I was a little kid. Well, apart from the very 80’s sound (not a criticism), I’d say the younger me had great taste.
📺 Sash! - Adelante (Official Video)
No, you stop scouring the web for a music video from your childhood and get back to work! 😀
🎙 Really Specific Stories: John Siracusa
As an avid fan of all of John’s podcasts, I’ve been looking forward to this episode of Really Specific Stories for a while. I’m please to say that @martinfeld does not disappoint. A fantastic listen.
🎵 Twenty Four Hours from Café Del Chillia
Effectively intermission music but I have found myself liking it. I do, however, think that with just a few tweaks it could be much better. Changing the base line so that it no longer clashes with the melody, for example.
📺 The Computer Programme (1982)
Discovered from reading this Ars Technica article about the history of ARM. Was commissioned by the BBC in the early 1980’s to teach the British public about home computers. Found it to be quite charming.
🎙 The Talk Show: Grand Scale Foot-Shooting
A fascinating episode of the Talk Show. Couldn’t put it down, metaphorically speaking.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: watching cab-rides on YouTube is great, but there aren’t any of the Melbourne and Victorian rail network. Well friends, if you’re tired of the Shinkansen and TGV, this is for you. 😀