📺 The Early Days of id Software: Programming Principles
YouTube recommended this conference talk by John Romero on how id Software did their game development during the early days. Watched it last night, and I really enjoyed it. Amazing how much they got done with what they had.
📺 WTF are all these config files for
Web front-end developers need to find a way to get all their project configuration into a single file. There, I said it! If Java devs can do it, then so can you.
(link via. the front-end developers at work)
This week’s earworm: Hergest Ridge 🎵
Another Mike Oldfield album (surprise, surprise). I’ve only recently discovered this after my dad shared this YouTube video on prog. rock albums. I’m making my way through the list but I’ve naturally started from what I consider the best.
🎙️ Really Specific Stories, featuring yours truly.
Had the privilege of being a guest on @martinfeld’s excellent show about podcasting. Check it out, then make sure you listen to the other episodes because they are all really good.
🎙 Dithering: 13 Sept 22 - Discord AI
Enjoyed the discussion on Midjourney and AI images, but it was the final two minutes on the UIs of Slack and Discord that I found to be the most interesting part of this episode.
This week’s earworm: The Songs Of Distant Earth by Mike Oldfield 🎵
Not necessarily a new one in my rotation, but I’ve been listening to it non-stop all week.
🎙️ No Mercy / No Malice: All Ears
First one of these newsletters that I actually listen to in podcast form, and I really enjoyed it. Happy coincidence that the subject today probably explained the reason why.
This week’s earworm: TUNIC (Original Game Soundtrack) by Lifeformed × Janice Kwan.
Favourite track: To Far Shores. 🎵
After a hard day of work, it’s great to live a little vicariously by listening to the story of how John Siracusa chose the indy life on Reconcilable Differences.🎙️
I’ve been listening to, and buying, a fair bit of music from Anders Enger Jensen over the last few days. My current earworm is about half the tracks on Retro Grooves Volume 2. Some pretty good retro synth music there. 🎵
This week’s earworm: Who Can It Be Now by Men At Work 🎵
Currently watching Halt And Catch Fire on SBS On Demand. An enjoyable watch but the the plumber problem is certainly there 📺
This week’s earworm: DiscoVision by Anders Enger Jensen 🎵
Stephen Hackett on 🎙 Flashback #18: The Google Graveyard Draft:
Never fall in love in a Google Service that’s not Gmail
So true.
It wasn’t until about a week ago, when I was looking very closely at the Robot Or Not show art, that I realised how cleaver the name and logo of this 🎙️ podcast actually is.