Here’s a collection of links to posts about the “practice” of blogging or writing that I’ve found useful:

About Blog

About blogs, starting a blog, keeping a blog, and others who blog.

Why You Should Write, by Preetam Nath.

Why Blog, by Chuck Grimmett.

Small b blogging, by Tom Critchlow.

Understanding blogs, by Tracy Durnell.

On Having a Blog, by Skoobs.

More Personal Blogging, by Greg Morris.

The Practice

How and why to blog, and what to write.

The first 1,000 are the most difficult, by Seth Godin. Via Manton Reece.

Practical Ways to Post Something Every Day, by CJ Chilvers.

Prolific Beats Perfect, by Ali Abdaal. The section “Prolific Beats Perfect” and “Content is Time Travel” are good ones to revisit occasionally.

Write 5x more but write 5x less, Mike Crittenden.

What to blog, by Ben Werdmuller.

Take Care of Your Blog, by Robin Rendle.

Nobody cares about your blog, by Alex Molas. Don’t let the title dissuade you, this is actually encouragement.

Publishing your work increases your luck, by Aaron Francis, via Github’s The ReadME Project. A specific use case for your blog: to publish stuff you’re working on (yes, people would read it).

What to Blog About When You Don’t Know What to Blog About, by Michelle Barker. Via Own Your Web: Issue 4 by Matthias Ott.

Blogging Platforms, by Jason Velazquez. A list of blogging CMS and writing environments. Most options there are pretty good. Here’s another list.

Advice for How To Make Sure You Never Create Anything, by Erlend. I won’t spoil the theme here.

Blog like no one is watching, by Andy Nicolaides. This one’s a little personal, but the lessons are still worth taking away.

Blogging Ain’t Dead Yet

Your blog is not alone.

Blogging is alive and well, by Colin Devroe.

(Another) Blogging Isn’t Dead Post, by Brandon Trebitowski.

To Share

Links to share with others to encourage them to start blogging.

Get Blogging!

Start a Fucking Blog

Links to others who have also collected links about blogging.

How to write about blogs, by Frank Meeuwsen. Via Own Your Web: Issue 5, by Matthias Ott.