Revising the micro-bulk-uploader project. I’ve been reading a lot about IndieAuth and Micropub formats and I got really excited about it. I figured this would be a good project to try them.

In short, this is a bulk image uploader. It’s primarily tailored for, but since these formats are standards in a way, there’s no real reason why it couldn’t work for other services.

Basically, the idea is this:

  • User authenticates with their website.
  • They are presented with a set of file uploads, which they can used to prep their images. They can reorder their images (ideally using drag-and-drop) and write some alt text.
  • Once they’re happy with the images, they click “Upload”.
  • The server will upload the images and then generate the HTML to produce a gallery (or just a list of images if they so prefer).

I have a few goals for this project:

  1. To ship a hosted service for others to use. The goal is to get into the practice of shipping software for other people. This is the principal goal: it must be usable by others. Otherwise, there’s no point doing this.
  2. To get a working version out the door in two weeks for others to start trying. Two weeks is April 1st, which should be achievable.
  3. To learn about the Indypub formats, specifically IndieAuth and Micropub.