Making a few changes on this blog. I’ve realise that I’d prefer to write more about my day here, rather than anything around coding or projects. I do want to write about them, but they seem to clash with the day-to-day posts here.

So I’m offloading those to two separate blogs: Coding Bits which is about the trials and tribulations of writing software, and Workpad, which is about the projects I’m working on. Don’t expect professional grade writing on either one. I’m not trying to get newsletter subscriptions or anything. They’re more a place to write thoughts, ideas, or just to blow off steam. Both are hosted on Scribbles, which I feel is the perfect place for such posts: a really low pressure environment that promotes just writing the thing.

I will be cross-posing links to these blogs here. I try to post here at least once a day, and I think it’s fair game for these posts to be counted as such.

Anyway, we’ll see how it goes.