I’ve got a large writing task to do at work, so I’m trying out iA Writer. And I probably shouldn’t have because I know how expensive it is, and yet I think I’m growing to like it. It’s actually a really nice Markdown editor.

At first my developer brain resisted, saying “Ah, pish posh! Just use any old text editor you already have.” And if it was just a readme file or something, I’d probably turn to either Nova or GoLand1 to do this. But I already know that this task is going to involve a fair bit of writing, and I think the editor iA Writer uses would works better for this. It’s just feels better designed for prose: slightly larger font (although the default was way too large, and I had to reduce it), better line spacing, and handling line wraps in a nicer way than code editors.

I’ve got other writing tasks I need to do, so maybe it’s worth it in the end.

  1. Obsidian would’ve been another option, but I’m hoping to keep this writing in a separate Git repository, away from my standard notes file. ↩︎