I hear Robb and John are looking for a new term for the bringer of snacks for Ruminate. Allow me to throw my suggestion into the ring. It might be difficult to get at first, but trust me, it’ll make sense after saying it a few times.


You ready?

Better strap in: it’s going to get a little mind-blowy around here.

Okay, here it is:

It’s snack-plier.

Get it? Snack…plier. The snacks supplier. What does a snack-plier do? They supply snacks. They are the snack supply person. Their whole purpose in their endeavour is to ensure the supply of snacks to those that are requiring snacks.

There it is: snack-plier. Yeah, I told you it’d be good. 😉

(Okay, I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough today. 😂)