Learnt a valuable lesson today, which I will share with you via another King DerpCats most wondrous meme gen’rat’r.

Smack bang in the middle of the automation smiling curve for my current task. 😩

Removing personal identifying information from logs is a laudable goal, but it does make troubleshooting issues in prod rather difficult.

I made a different version of this image earlier today. Glad I found the discipline to do what needed to be done, giving me the opportunity to change it to this:

Hot take: bagpipes actually sound pretty good.

Surprising how much of working with TLS certificates is just dealing with PEM files.

So, this is how my morning went.

Apologies to my reviewers for all the notification emails they’re receiving during this battle with the CI/CD build.
Been asked to do a routine task today. This is the fifth time I’ve started it, the fifth time I said to myself “hmm, I should probably automate this,” and the fifth time I just did it manually. Now wondering if that was time well spent.

And that makes it the third time this week that I encountered a bug involving DynamoDB that was avoidable with a unit test that actually used a proper database.

(To be fair, this time is was my fault: I haven’t got around to writing the unit test yet).
I’ll bring the lighter fluid. #burn-all-computers-to-the-ground

(sorry, it’s been one of those days 😼).