
    Mesdames et messieurs: voici la tentative d’aujourd’hui de passer ร  un petit-dรฉjeuner plus minimaliste: deux grands cafรฉs au lait.

    Ladies and gentlemen: presenting today’s attempt to move to a more minimalist breakfast: two large cappuccinos.

    A cappuccino in a black coffee mug, placed on a matching saucer with a spoon beside it, sits on a wooden table outdoors alongside an iPad.

    Reddit’s decision to allow only Google to index their site will probably mean I’ll be seeing them far less often than I do โ€” which is almost never anyway, and generally from the results of a search. So I’m recording this screenshot, which I call “Reddit in the results”, for posterity.

    A screenshot of an Ecosia search result for the query 'postgresql unsigned integer values', with links to Stack Overflow, Reddit, and PostgreSQL docs in the results

    Edit: Turns out Ecosia sources some of their index from Google, so these Reddit links will likely remain in my searches. I guess that makes this post unnecessary. I’m going to keep it up though, for posterity of my unnecessary effort to post for posterity. ๐Ÿ˜„

    Preparing the second room for a couple of house guests that’ll be coming next week. ๐Ÿฆœ

    A room contains a large empty metal cage, a rowing exercise machine, a small table with electronic equipment, all set on a brown mat and a protective floor covering.

    They get a little funny around mirrors so I’d had to cover the wardrobe with newspaper. Hope it holds.

    A room is set up with newspaper taped in front of half of the sliding-doors of a wardrobe with full-sized integrated mirrors. A large birdcage is positioned on the right side.

    This week’s earworm: Warsaw in the Sun, by Tangerine Dream. ๐ŸŽต

    Album cover of the Tangerine Dream Zeitgeist Concert, at the Royal Albert Hall London 2010

    Backpacker on the tram. ๐Ÿถ

    A black schnauzer travelling in a backpack on a crowded tram. A Myki reader is to the right of the frame.

    Work offered us a veryโ€ฆ American style lunch today. First time I had bacon with my pancakes. Honestly, not as bad as I was expecting.

    A plate with pancakes, bacon, whipped cream, drissled with maple syrup, with a side of Ceaser salad and egg. Wooden knife and fork on the right.

    Mark the date. First successful CI/CD run of a Go project running on my own Forgejo instance, running in Hetzner. ๐Ÿ™Œ

    Sreenshot of a successful Forgejo Runner result page, indicating that a project was checked out and tested with Go.

    So, walk up the hill, then it’s through the gate to get to the path. Piece of cake.

    Ohโ€ฆ ๐Ÿค”

    An open gate in front of a temporary fence blocking access to a path.

    Finally did something today that I should’ve done a long time ago: buy a UPS. Hopefully power outages will no longer bring down my Mac Mini server while I’m away (power is usually quite reliable when I’m home, but as soon as I leave for any extended period of timeโ€ฆ ๐Ÿชซ).

    A box containing a Digitech 650VA Line Interactive Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is placed on a wooden kitchen table.

    In today’s demonstration of the gulf between taste and ability, may I present my attempt at fixing the fence extension:

    Auto-generated description: A partially damaged wooden fence with a makeshift repair tied together using green string and an olive tree branch protruding through the slats.

    Part of the challenge was getting to it. I had to hack out a path through the overgrown beds:

    Auto-generated description: A fenced backyard features dense, overgrown plants with long, slender leaves amid a paved ground.

    Trust me when I say that this is an improvement. ๐Ÿ˜…

    Checked out of the Cockatiel Cafe and heading home to Melbourne. Always a little melancholy leaving Canberra, but I’m sure to be back soon enough. As for the “residents” I was looking after, I’ll be seeing them again real soon. More posts then I’m sure.

    Two cockatiels, one white and the other yellow, perched on a cage in a room.

    Been asked to do a routine task today. This is the fifth time I’ve started it, the fifth time I said to myself “hmm, I should probably automate this,” and the fifth time I just did it manually. Now wondering if that was time well spent.

    Two columns, the left one with the heading 'This Universe' and five evenly sized boxes with the label 'Nah, it'll take too long. I'll do it next time', the right one with the heading 'Alternate Universe' with one large box with 250% the height of the left boxes with the label 'Build the thing' , and six small boxes taking up 50% the height of the left boxes

    The view from the top of Mount Rogers Reserve.

    Auto generated description: A scenic landscape showcases grassy fields and shrubs in the foreground, with a backdrop of rolling hills, distant mountains, and a clear blue sky.

    To get to Bundanoon from Canberra you have to drive past Lake George. Iโ€™ve always seen it empty but yesterday I saw it with water, so I had to stop and take a photo.

    A calm, expansive body of water stretches towards a distant shoreline with rolling hills under a clear blue sky, with a rocky shoreline and some vegetation in the foreground.

    Day Trip to Bundanoon

    Decided to go on a day trip to Bundanoon today. It’s been five years since I last visited and I remember liking the town enough that I thought it’d be worth visiting again. It’s not close, around 1 hour and 40 minutes from Canberra, but it not far either and I thought it would be a nice way to spend the day. Naturally, others agreed, which I guess explains why it was busier than I expected, what with the long weekend and all. Fortunately, it wasn’t too crowded, and I still had a wonderful time.

    The goal was to go on a bush-walk first. I chose to do the Erith Coal Mine track, for no particular reason other than it sounded interesting. This circuit track was meant to take you to a waterfall by an old coal mine. However, the track leading to the actual mine was closed, thanks to the recent rain. In fact, if I could describe the bush-walks in one word, it would be “wet”. The ground was soaked, as were the paths, and although conditions were lovely, the paths were still very slippery.

    I assume the mine was across these rocks, but there was no way I was going to cross it.

    After completing that circuit in probably 45 minutes, my appetite for bush-walking was still unsatisfied, so I tried the Fairy Bower Falls walk next. This was not as steep as the first one, but it turned to be a much harder track due to how wet and slippery everything was.

    I stopped short of the end of this one too, as it seems the path was washed away. But I did manage to get a glimpse of the waterfall, so I’m considering that a win.

    After that, I returned to the town for lunch and some train spotting. The train line to Goulburn runs through Bundanoon, and the last time I was there, there was probably a freight train every hour or so. So I was hoping to get a good view of a lot of freight traffic. Maybe shoot a video of a train passing through the station I could share here.

    Auto-generated description: A quaint train station platform with a sign that reads Bundanoon is shown, surrounded by trees and blue skies.
    Bundanoon train station.

    I had lunch outside and walked around the town a little, always within sight of the railway line, hoping for at least one train to pass through. But luck wasn’t on my side, and it wasn’t until I was on my way home that I saw what I think was a grain train passing through Wingello. I pulled over to take a video, and while I miss the locomotive, I got a reasonable enough recording of the wagons.

    Stopping by the side of the road to film these grain wagons passing by.

    Being a little more hopeful, I stopped at Tallong, the next town along the road. I bought a coffee and went to the station to drink it and hopefully see a train pass through. Sadly, it was not to be. So I decided to head back home.

    Auto-generated description: A quiet train station platform is shown with tracks stretching into the distance and surrounded by trees.
    Tallong train station.

    So the train spotting was a bust, and the bush-walks were difficult, but all in all it was quite a nice day. I look forward to my next visit to Bundanoon. Lets hope the trains are running a little more frequently then.

    Photos of the poor patient, sitting next to the clumsy human. Rest assured, she’s getting a course of pain killers, plus a lot of apology head scratches.

    Auto-generated description: A small white and gray bird is nestled between the cushions of a dark leather seat next to one leg of a pair of tanned trousers. Auto-generated description: A small white and gray cockatiel with a prominent crest is perched on a dark leather couch between two cushions next to one leg of a pair of tanned trousers.

    Bit of a stressful morning, involving injuries and unplanned visits to the vet. Things are well now, and the tension is starting to dissipate. But what a way to spend the morning. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

    Yellow tea-towel on a display with the phrase 'I need a hug' in large letters, followed by 'huge margarita' in small letters. The first three letters of 'huge' were borrowed from the word 'hug'.

    Speaking of bad UIs, voliร : my first attempt at building something with Gio:

    A screenshot of a window with the title Gio, a connection header, a left pane showing a NATS message to send, and a right pane showing messages that can be received

    It doesn’t do anything now, but I’m hoping this will be something I can use to test NATS. I will say Gio shows promise. Not a huge range of controls to use, but having everything run in a single memory address is nice.

    โ€œWhat about your Savoys, Mrs. D?โ€

    Auto generated description: A supermarket shelf displays various brands of crackers, including Arnott's Jatz, Ritz, and Clix, with a price tag indicating $5.50 for one of the products.

    A black swan event.

    (And yes, I took this photo just so I can use this caption).

    Auto generated description: A black swan with a red beak is swimming in a body of water near a concrete step.
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