A couple of updates from my day at work today, in no particular order.

Still working on that design task. I’m not quite done yet, but I did spend today going over some of the earlier details, and I found that if I were to add a domain specific language (DSL) to one of the data models, it simplifies other areas of the design. I know how fraught adding DSLs can be, especially given my eagerness to add DSLs to everything I touch (a bit of an exaggeration, but not quite). But here it seems to work, at least on paper. I guess that’s a good hint to push for a DSL here when the design goes up for review. We’ll see what my colleagues say.

Speaking of colleagues, someone asked me how I did something in DynamoDB and I shared with her my terminal DynamoDB tool. She downloaded it and gave it a try, and it looks like it clicked with her. So you can imagine how stoked I feel hearing this! Will ride these good vibes for a little while, at least for the next hour.