It would be nice for browsers to remember every close tab that’s been open for more than, say, a day. This can sit alongside the browser’s current history and closed tab group, which is more geared towards your recent browsing. But unlike those, this would maintain a long term history, recording every closed tab since the beginning of time. And it doesn’t even need to be the full back-stack: the last visited URL would be fine.

The day limit is important, as it provides a good hint that it’s a tab that I want to revist later. There’ve been many a time I’ve had a tab open for weeks, saying to myself that I’ll read or do something with it, only to close it later accidently or when I want a tidier browser workspace. If and when the time comes where I want to revisit it, it’s has fallen out of the history, and all I end up is regret for not making a bookmark.

I suppose I could get into the habit of bookmarking things when I close them, but that’ll just move the mess from the browser to Linkding. No, this is something that might work better in the browsers themselves.