Getting a new cooler installed tomorrow. The one I have, which I think is as old as the house, is on it’s last legs. It struggles to cool the house, only managing to keep the inside temperature steady if I turn it on early enough, and leaks profusely. I shutter to think what my next water bill will be.

The new unit’s going to be another evaporative cooler. Everyone I talk to tells me I’m crazy, and I should just go with reverse cycle. And I will agree that it’s a bit of a gamble. But it’s worth trying, given the quote I was given and the fact that I don’t have to do any major modifications to the house. If it doesn’t pan out, there’s nothing stopping me from getting reverse cycle later.

I did pick the worse time to do it though: we’re going through a heatwave that won’t break until Tuesday. At least it’ll give me an opportunity to do a fair before/after comparison.