I see that Gabz, Robb, and Manique — along with many others — have posted their defaults after listening to Hemispheric Views 097 - Duel of the Defaults!, which was a really fun episode. I thought I’d do the same.
- Mail Client: Fastmail. Web-app on the desktop and app on mobile
- Mail Server: Fastmail
- Notes: Obsidian for work. It was Obsidian for personal use but I’m trying out Notion at the moment.
- To-Do: Obsidian/Notion (todos go in as notes)
- Photo Shooting: Android camera app
- Photo Management: Google Photos
- Calendar: Google Calendar
- Cloud file storage: Google Drive
- RSS: Feedbin. I mainly read it with NetNewsWire but I also use the web-app.
- Contacts: Android contacts app.
- Browser: Safari, Vivaldi
- Chat: Mainly still use Android Messanger for SMS but started using WhatsApp more
- Bookmarks: Linkding running on Pikapods.
- Read It Later: None, but if I were to start, I’d probably try out Feedbin’s RIL service.
- Word Processing: n/a
- Spreadsheets: Google Sheets, Numbers (I don’t do a lot of spreadsheeting)
- Presentations: Keynote, but giving iA Presenter a try at the moment.
- Shopping Lists: Google Keep
- Meal Planning: n/a
- Budgeting & Personal Finance: n/a
- News: ABC1 News, in a web-browser
- Music: Alto (my own music app), Spotify
- Podcasts: Pocketcasts
- Password Management: 1Password
- Photo Editing: Google Photo
- Weather: Bureau of Meterology website.
- Social Clients: Tusky (Mastodon)
- Code Editor: GoLand (Jetbrains in general), Android Studios, or XCode
- Text Editor: Nova
- Hard Quiz Expert Subject: Probably the music of Mike Oldfield.
Scored myself based on the rules of the game and came up with 44 points. It was a little tricky as I’ve got both feet in separate ecosystems.
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