🔗 AI ‘Friend’ Company Spent $1.8 Million and Most of Its Funds on Domain Name
“It’s real! Premium domains are expensive, but it’s worth it,” Schiffman told me in an email after I reached out to ask if it was true. […] “People just don’t get consumer, I view this as saving money. Much less money needs to be spent on marketing, it’s a one time thing,” Schiffmann said.
Is the marketing in the domain name, or in the word of mouth about how much they spent on the domain name? Well, I guess they got me to talk about it. 😀
I wonder if M.G. Siegler had anyone in mind when he wrote this.
🔗 Major Windows BSOD issue hits banks, airlines, and TV broadcasters
Oof! I feel bad for all those Window sys-admins who’s weekend has just been ruined.
Test your browsers compatability of the Marquee element. No spoilers about whether it worked in mine. 😀
Via Scripting Notes.
An interesting tale on how .DS_Store
— a regular in Git ignore files everywhere — got its name.
Via @Burk within the Hemispheric Views Discord.
Thank you to the anonymous person who runs this. Something happened which left me ropeable, and I needed a place to scream into the void. I did it there. It’s now lost to the either, along with (most) of my anger. Hopefully time will fix what’s left.
🔗 Adding Github-Style Markdown Alerts to Eleventy
GitHub has alerts (aka callouts) Markdown support where the syntax looks like [Obsidian’s.]
So apparently, if we were using Github instead of Gitlab, I could’ve had it all. 😏
🔗 How the “Nutbush” became Australia’s unofficial national dance
It’s amusing to grow up thinking everyone did this up until a few years ago, when someone from overseas told me they never learnt this dance. Anyway, this is totally a thing. Last wedding I attended, we absolutely did the Nutbush. 😄
If there’s ever an article I should print out and staple to my forehead, it’s this one.
🔗 Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training
I’d like to avoid jumping on the “I have everything AI” bandwagon, but I agree that Slacks use of private message data to train their LLM is a pretty significant breach of trust. A lot of sensative data runs through their system, and although they may be hosting it, it’s not theirs to do as they please. Maybe they think it’s within their right, what with their EULAs and everything, but if I were a paying customer — of enterprise software, if you remember — I’d make bloody sure that data is the customer and the customer’s own.
It’ll be interesting to see how this will affect me personally. We use Slack at work and I know management is very sensative about IP (and given the domain, I can understand). Maybe I’ll finally get to try Teams out.
🔗 Goodbye to Apple’s Smart Keyboard Folio, the best iPad Pro accessory
I’ve never considered hoarding accessories before, but I might start. The Smart Keyboard Folio is perfect for how I use the iPad: a great stand and decent enough keyboard that doesn’t get in the way when I just want to read.
Igore the click-batey headline: this is quite a good post. Really enjoyed it. And, on the whole, I agree with the author. Via Jim Nielsen’s notes
🔗 Hiss!
Seeing @Miraz’s post about the Morepork reminded me of this poem by C. J. Dennis that was read to us as a kid. It was in this beautifully illustrated picture book, with thick borders full of, I guess, the illustrations of the subject’s imagination.
On it, their producer was lamenting not having somewhere to post a link to something being spoken about. No mention of show notes because I’m not convinced “big podcast” even knows they exist.
I’ve complained about this before and I haven’t seen any improvements. It’s as if the concept of making show-notes or even a website containing the links you mention on your podcast never cross these producers minds. That it’s perfectly okay to read URLs aloud and expect people to remember. It’s such an odd phenomenon.
🔗 Crying Myself to Sleep on the Biggest Cruise Ship Ever
A really great read.
I’ve never been on a cruise. This, plus the many jokes I’ve heard from comedians that have worked cruises, is probably the closest experience I’ll ever get to cruising. After reading it, it’s definitely not for me.
🔗 Insanity in the Air: The crash of Pakistan International Airlines flight 8303
A facinating post. One of those posts where you know the writer knows what they’re talking about, and has clearly done a lot of research for the piece. Will definitely take a look at their other posts.
This is probably worth trying. I know for myself that I get lost in the day-to-day activities of work that I loose a sense on what we’ve accomplished during the week. Besides, Confluence has got this blogging feature which never seems to get used.
🔗 The internet used to be ✨fun✨
Lot of interesting posts here about the personal web, both current and old school. I’ve been ducking in and out of this for a week now. Via the HV Discord.
Via A Learning a Day by Rohan. It resonated with me as well.