
    It lives!

    Prototyped a game I had in mind, sort of a 2D Sokoban-like thing, where you control a robot with a retractable pushing arm that is to push gems to a “receiver” tile. Not entirely sure if it’s fun enough to actually build.

    Used PixiJS to build it. Not a bad framework.

    So sorry to hear about the loss of @merlinmann's pet lizard, which I just learnt is a central bearded dragon (they're good looking lizards). I didn't include it in the clip but he had some really nice things to say about it.

    Request for any open-source projects that want to put banner ads on their site: please consider hard-coding the height of your banner to prevent the ad from reflowing the page. Otherwise, it may have an impact on the experience of those reading your docs.

    Oh, that’s nice. Looks like Obsidian allows you to set the starting ordinal for numbered lists.

    This was something I wish vanilla Markdown had for a while, so it’s good to see at least one Markdown editor embracing this.

    Just heard the name for John's new app. Must say I kinda like it. It grows on you. No spoilers (except in the clip), but I do appreciate that it follows a similar vein to the crazy names I came up with. It just does it so much better.

    More fun today working on Blogging Tools. Finished a feature for uploading larger videos to object storage so they can be added to a post using the standard video tag, as opposed to an embedded video player. If you see the screencast below, that means it’s working.

    That’s it! I’m never going to use a framework that uses Webpack or installs more than 5 Node dev dependencies. Why? Because every time I check it out to work on it, all these dependencies break, and I’m left to spend hours updating them.

    Never again! 😡

    I wonder if we could convince Ben to order another run of Stratechery mugs shaped like the one he drinks from. I really like my Stratechery mug — it's one I often use — yet the mug he describes here is intriguing.

    In other building-small-things-for-myself news, I spent a bit of time this morning on the image processor for Blogging Tools. The big new change was adding support for working with multiple source images, instead of just one. This made way for a new “Phone Shot” processor, which arranges multiple screenshots of phone apps in a row, while also downscaling them and proving some quick crops and distribution options.

    This should reduce the vertical size of mobile app screenshots I post here, something that’s been bothering me a little.

    Agree with @manton here. I used to be quite religious about Test Driven Development, but I'm less so nowadays. For the simple stuff, it works great; but for anything larger, you know little about how your going to build something until after you build it. Only then should you lock it in with tests.

    Listening to this part of HV got me wondering if the secret to punctual trains is just a whole lot of them. You’re less likely to do something to delay a train — like hold the doors open — if you know the next one’s only a few minutes away, and will arrive on time. One builds on the other.

    Just to add one point of anecdata to Ben’s experience: I’ve never been happy with the performance of the mobile radio of Pixel phones. You can be in the middle of the CBD and still experience weird dropouts while using mobile data. It’s quite frustrating.

    While on my walk, I stopped briefly to clear a stone from my shoe and this purple swamphen (or pūkeko for our Kiwi friends) came up quite close to me. Not sure why. Looking for food maybe?

    My recent exploration of Fyne has got me looking at building a level editor again. Have started work on the viewport, with camera movement using the WASD keys, and a basic mouse tracker for painting cells. Feels pretty good so far, although the cell mouse tracker might need some refinement.

    Spending some time with the birds. Archie’s on heat, which is why she’s making those chirping noises. Ivy’s happily keeping to herself off to the side.

    Day Trip to Bundanoon

    Decided to go on a day trip to Bundanoon today. It’s been five years since I last visited and I remember liking the town enough that I thought it’d be worth visiting again. It’s not close, around 1 hour and 40 minutes from Canberra, but it not far either and I thought it would be a nice way to spend the day. Naturally, others agreed, which I guess explains why it was busier than I expected, what with the long weekend and all. Fortunately, it wasn’t too crowded, and I still had a wonderful time.

    The goal was to go on a bush-walk first. I chose to do the Erith Coal Mine track, for no particular reason other than it sounded interesting. This circuit track was meant to take you to a waterfall by an old coal mine. However, the track leading to the actual mine was closed, thanks to the recent rain. In fact, if I could describe the bush-walks in one word, it would be “wet”. The ground was soaked, as were the paths, and although conditions were lovely, the paths were still very slippery.

    I assume the mine was across these rocks, but there was no way I was going to cross it.

    After completing that circuit in probably 45 minutes, my appetite for bush-walking was still unsatisfied, so I tried the Fairy Bower Falls walk next. This was not as steep as the first one, but it turned to be a much harder track due to how wet and slippery everything was.

    I stopped short of the end of this one too, as it seems the path was washed away. But I did manage to get a glimpse of the waterfall, so I’m considering that a win.

    After that, I returned to the town for lunch and some train spotting. The train line to Goulburn runs through Bundanoon, and the last time I was there, there was probably a freight train every hour or so. So I was hoping to get a good view of a lot of freight traffic. Maybe shoot a video of a train passing through the station I could share here.

    Auto-generated description: A quaint train station platform with a sign that reads Bundanoon is shown, surrounded by trees and blue skies.
    Bundanoon train station.

    I had lunch outside and walked around the town a little, always within sight of the railway line, hoping for at least one train to pass through. But luck wasn’t on my side, and it wasn’t until I was on my way home that I saw what I think was a grain train passing through Wingello. I pulled over to take a video, and while I miss the locomotive, I got a reasonable enough recording of the wagons.

    Stopping by the side of the road to film these grain wagons passing by.

    Being a little more hopeful, I stopped at Tallong, the next town along the road. I bought a coffee and went to the station to drink it and hopefully see a train pass through. Sadly, it was not to be. So I decided to head back home.

    Auto-generated description: A quiet train station platform is shown with tracks stretching into the distance and surrounded by trees.
    Tallong train station.

    So the train spotting was a bust, and the bush-walks were difficult, but all in all it was quite a nice day. I look forward to my next visit to Bundanoon. Lets hope the trains are running a little more frequently then.

    Attempting to give head scratches while recording video is more difficult than it looks. 🦜

    🎥 I’ve released a video tutorial on how to use and configure the Sidebar For Tiny Theme. This walks through the process of creating and using a custom theme to configure the sidebar with custom HTML. Hope others find it useful.

    Picnic train, now boarding. 🚂

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