- The `seq` function, used for generating a sequence of integers. I like how I built this: it’s effectively a virtual list — that can be indexed, iterated over, or calculated the length of — but does not take up linear space.
- Comparator functions, like `eq`, `ne`, `gt`, etc. plus settling on a type system much like Python, where values are strongly type (can’t compare ints to strings) but are also dynamic.
- Arithmetic functions, like `add`, `sub`, etc. which operate on integers, and the `cat` function use to concatenate strings (these functions do try to cohere values to the correct type)
- Logical functions, like `and`, `or`, and `not`.
Project Updates
Well, it’s been three weeks since my last post here, and as hard as it was to write this update, not writing it would’ve been harder. So let’s just skip the preamble and go straight to the update.
Cyber Burger (That Pico-8 Game)
I’m terrible at being coy, I’ll just spill the beens. That game I’ve been working on is call Cyber Burger. It’s based on a DOS game I saw on YouTube, and it seemed like a fun project to try and work on, with some tweaks to the gameplay that I think would make it more forgiving.
In the weeks since my last update, I finished with the prototypes and started working on the game itself. The initial set of art is done and a very simple “Game A” mode has been implemented. In this mode, you are shown a burger you’ll need to make in your basket. You do so by shooting down the items flying across the screen and catching them in order. When you do, you get a “tip”, which basically amounts to points. If you make a mistake, you’re given a demerit. There are five rounds in total, and once the round is complete, you move on to the next one, with maybe slightly different items, or different item speeds, etc.
I managed to make a HTML version of this which plays through round 1. I gave it to someone at work to play test and the results were… well, they weren’t bad but it didn’t set the world on fire.
I think I’m okay with that, but I do need to keep working on it. I think one thing that would help is adding sound. And I think it might help me deliver this earlier if I abandoned Mode A and start working on Mode B, which is closer to an arcade style of game that would allow for continuous play. These two things, I’ll aim to work on this next week.
Oh, and I’ll need to fix the item spawner. Waiting ages for an item you need is no good.
If you’re interested in giving it a try, you can do so by following this link (it runs in the browser). Feel free to send any feedback you may have.
The other thing I’ve been spending some time on over the last week or
so was UCL. I’ve been using that work tool which has this language
quite often recently and I’ve been running against a number of bugs and
areas where quality of life changes could be made. Just small things,
such as allowing the foreach
command to be called with a proc name
instead of requiring a block, much like the map
function. Those have
been addressed.
But the biggest thing I’ve been worked on was building out the core library. I added the following functions:
Along with this, I’ve started working through the strings package, which would add the various string functions you see, like trimming whitespace, splitting, joining, etc. I’ve got trimming and converting to upper and lower case, and my goal for next week is to add splitting to and joining from string lists. Once that’s done I’ll probably put this on the back-burner again so I can finish off Cyber Burger or work on something else.
Just a reminder that there’s also a playground for this too, although I apologise for the lack of documentation. I’ll need to get onto that as well.
I enjoyed reading Kev Quirk’s post about building a simple journal. I’m still using Day One, but I am still thinking of moving off it. So I was inspired to build a prototype similar to Kev’s, just to see if something similar works for me. Built using Go instead of PHP, but it also uses Simple CSS.
Project Seed - A Pico-8 Prototype
Oof, another long stretch between updates. This has not been a productive winter.
Much of the project I’ve been writing about here are, shall we say, “on ice”. UCL is still being used for the project it’s been built for, but there’s been no further work done on it recently. I think we can safely say Photo Bucket is dead, at least for now. Blogging Tool and that interactive fiction project is still ongoing, but both are running on a slow burn. I was hoping to get the fiction thing done by the end of winter, but it’s likely that timeline will slip. Maybe some time in spring.
What have I been doing in the meantime? Watching YouTube videos on old DOS games, actually. Hardly an activity worth writing about here. But it did get me wanting to try working on a game again. And I did get an idea for one while watching videos of someone going through a collection of shovelware titles.
This project is designated the codename “Project Seed”. I’m going to be a little cagey about the details, at least for now. But I will say that I’m planning to use Pico-8 for this. I bought a license for Pico-8 about 2 years ago (oof, did not expect it to have been that long ago) and I watched a few videos on how to use it, but I didn’t have a good idea for a project then. It is a fascinating bit of software, and I know it’s quite popular amongst hobbyists. One thing I like about it is that the games made with it are not expected to have great art. As someone who can’t draw to save himself, this works in my favour. So don’t expect anything resembling Celeste from me! 😄 Pico-8 also targets HTML5, which works for me.
Anyway, I have this idea, and I thought about starting a prototype to see how it feels. I downloaded Pico-8, spun up a new project, and started drawing some of the graphics. I’ve got the bare minimum so far: a user-controlled paddle, called the “basket”; a laser bullet, and a thing that needs to be shot.
Next was coding up the Lua code. Using the Pico-8 builtin editor was fine for a bit, but I eventually switch to Nova just for the screen size. I am still trying to adhere to the whole retro-style approach to Pico-8. The code I write is still bound to the 8192 token limit, and I’m trying to avoid using too much virtual memory, capping elements to only a handful. But, yeah, using Nova to write the logic is so much better.
Anyway, the first milestone was allowing the player to move the basket around and shoot laser bullets. Then it was to get one of the shootable items moving across the field. The idea is that the player will need to fire the laser to hit the shootable item. When it’s hit, it begins to fall, and the player needs to catch it in the basket.
This took about an hour or so, and already the glimpse of the core game mechanics are starting to show through. They’re just ridiculously primitive at this stage. I mean, the item really shouldn’t fall through the basket like that. But given that it’s a prototype, I’m okay with this so far.
Next experiment was spawning multiple items onto the field. This got off to an interesting start:
But adding a bit of randomness to the Y position and the spawn delay managed to make things a little more natural again:
One thing I’m considering is whether to add some randomness to the item X velocity, and even have items move from right to left. But this will do for now.
At this stage, items were just being added to an array, which grew without bounds, and were not being released when they left the screen. Obviously not a good use of memory (even though this is running on an M2 Mac Mini and not retro hardware from the 1980’s, but that’s hardly the point of this exercise). Furthermore, the player is only able to shoot one bullet at a time, and those bullets weren’t being released either. So I set about resolving this, trying to do so in the spirit of a Pico-8 game. I’ve setup a fixed Lua array, which will grow up to a max size, and added a simple allocator which will search for an empty slot to put the next item in.
function next_slot(tbl,n)
if \#tbl < n then
return \#tbl+1
for i = 1,n do
if tbl[i] == nil then
return i
return nil
This makes releasing items really easy: just set that slot to nil
. It
does mean that I can’t use ipairs
to iterate over items, though.
Instead I have to use the following construct:
for i,item in pairs(items) do
if item then
-- Do thing with item
It’s here that I wished Lua had a continue
I used this for both the item and bullets: there can now be up to 8 items and 4 bullets on the screen at a time. After making those changes, the prototype started to play a little better:
So, a good start. But there are definitely things need to be fixed. The basket needs to be wider, for one. It’s fine for the prototype, and I’m okay with it the collision being pretty lenient, but it’s too narrow to make it fun.
But the biggest issue is that the collision logic sucks. Bullets are flying through the items, and items are falling through the basket. I’m using a point-in-rectangle approach to collision detection, with a few probing points for each item, but they obviously need to be adjusted.
So collision is what I’m hoping to work on next. More on this when I get around to it.
Current Project Update
Hmm, another long gap between posts. A little unexpected, but there’s an explanation for this: between setting up Forgejo and making the occasional update to Blogging Tools, I haven’t been doing any project work. Well, at least nothing involving code. What I have been doing is trying my hand at interactive fiction, using Evergreen by Big River Games.
Well, okay, it’s not completely without code: there is a bit of JavaScript involved for powering the “interactive” logic part. But a bulk of the effort is in writing the narrative, albeit a narrative that’s probably closer to a video game rather than a work of pure fiction.
Why? The main reason is to try something new. I had the occasional fancy to try my hand at fiction, like a short story or something. I have an idea for a novel — I mean, who doesn’t? — but the idea of writing it as a novel seems daunting at the moment (I’ve written it as short story for NanoWriteMo. It’s sitting online as an unedited draft somewhere. I should probably make a backup of it, actually). But the idea of writing something as interactive fiction seemed intriguing. I was never into text parser adventures, but I did enjoy the choose-your-own-adventure books growing up.
So what’s the story about, I hear you saying? Well, believe it or not, it’s about gardening. Yes, something I have zero experience in. And perhaps that’s what made it an interesting subject to explore.
I’ve been working on this for about a month now. I’m well past the everything-is-new-and-exciting phase, and I think I just made it through the oh-no-why-the-heck-am-I-even-doing-this pit of despair. I can see the finish line in terms of the narrative and the logic, and all that remains there should just be a matter of cleaning up, editing, and play testing. The biggest thing left to do is illustrations. I have zero artistic skills myself so I’m not quite sure what I’ll do here.
If you’re curious about it, here’s a sample. It’s about the first third of the story. It’s a little rough, and requires editing and proof-reading, and illustrations. But let me know what you think.
More Tools For Blogging Tool
Spent the last week working on Blogging Tool. I want to get as much done as a I can before motivation begins to wain, and it begins languishing like every other project I’ve worked on. Not sure I can stop that, but I think I can get the big ticket items in there so it’ll be useful to me while I start work on something else.
I do have plans for some new tools for Blogging Tool: making it easier to make Lightbox Gallery was just the start. This last week I managed to get two of them done, along with some cross-functional features which should help with any other tools I make down the road.
Move To Sqlite
First, a bit of infrastructure. I moved away from Rainstorm as the data store and replaced it with Sqlite 3. I’m using a version of Sqlite 3 that doesn’t use CGO as the Docker container this app runs in doesn’t have libc. It doesn’t have as much support out there as the more popular Sqlite 3 client, but I’ve found it to work just as well.
One could argue that it would’ve been fine sticking with Rainstorm for this. But as good as Rainstorm’s API is, the fact that it takes out a lock on the database file is annoying. I’m running this app using Dokku, which takes a zero-downtime approach to deployments. This basically means that the old and new app container are running at the same time. The old container doesn’t get shut down for about a minute, and because it’s still holding the lock, I can’t use the new version during that time as the new container cannot access the Rainstorm database file. Fortunately, this is not an issue with Sqlite 3.
It took me a couple of evenings to port the logic over, but fortunately I did this early, while there was no production data to migrate. I’m using Sqlc for generating Go bindings from SQL statements, and a home grown library for dealing with the schema migrations. It’s not as easy to use as the Rainstorm API but it’ll do. I’m finding working with raw SQL again to be quite refreshing so it may end up being better in the long run.
Imaging Processing
Once that’s done, I focused on adding those tools I wanted. The first one to sit alongside the gallery tool, is something for preparing images for publishing. This will be particularly useful for screenshots. If you look carefully, you’d noticed that the screenshots on this site have a slightly different shadow than the MacOS default. It’s because I actually take a screenshot without the shadow, then use a CLI tool to add one prior to upload. I do this because the image margins MacOS includes with the shadow are pretty wide, which makes the actual screenshot part smaller than I like. Using the CLI tool is fine, but it’s not always available to me. So it seemed like a natural thing to add to this blogging tool.
So I added an image processing “app” (I’m calling these tools “apps” to distinguish them from features that work across all of them) which would take an image, and allows you to apply a processor on it. You can then download the processed image and use it in whatever you need.
This is all done within the browser, using the Go code from the CLI tool compiled to WASM. The reason for this is performance. These images can be quite large, and I’d rather avoid the network round-trip. I’m betting that it’ll be faster running it in the browser anyway, even if you consider the amount of time it takes to download the WASM binary (which is probably around a second or so).
One addition I did add was to allow processors to define parameters which are shown to the user as input fields. There’s little need for this now — it’s just being used in a simple meme-text processor right now — but it’s one of those features I’d like to at least get basic support for before my interest wains. It wouldn’t be the first time I stopped short of finishing something, thinking to my self that I’d add what I’ll need later, then never going back to do so. That said, I do have some ideas of processors which could use this feature for real, which I haven’t implemented yet. More on that in the future, maybe.
Audio Transcoding And Files
The other one I added deals with audio transcoding. I’ve gotten into the habit of narrating the long form posts I write. I usually use Quicktime Player to record these, but it only exports M4A audio files and I want to publish them as MP3s.
So after recording them, I need to do a transcode. There’s an ffmpeg
command line invocation I use to do this:
ffmpeg -i in.m4a -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 4 out.mp3
But I have to bring up a terminal, retrieve it from the history (while it’s still in there), pick a filename, etc. It’s not hard to do, but it’s a fair bit of busy work
I guess now that I’ve written it here, it’ll be less work to remember.
But it’s a bit late now since I’ve added the feature to do this for
me. I’ve included a statically linked version of ffmpeg
in the
Docker container (it needs to be statically linked for the same reason
why I can’t use CGO: there’s no libc or any other shared objects) and
wrapped it around a small form where I upload my
The transcoding is done on the server (seemed a bit much asking for this to be done in the browser) but I’m hoping that most M4A files will be small enough that it wouldn’t slow things down too much. The whole process is synchronous right now, and I could’ve make the file available then and there, but it wouldn’t be the only feature I’m thinking of that would produced files that I’d like to do things with later. Plus, I’d like to eventually make it asynchronous so that I don’t have to wait for long transcodes, should there be any.
So along with this feature, I added a simple file manager in which these working files will go.
They’re backed by a directory running in the container with metadata managed by Sqlite 3. It’s not a full file system — you can’t do things like create directories, for example. Nor is it designed to be long term storage for these files. It’s just a central place where any app can write files out as a result of their processing. The user can download the files, or potentially upload them to a site, then delete them. This would be useful for processors which could take a little while to run, or run on a regular schedule.
I don’t have many uses for this yet, apart from the audio transcoder, but having this cross-functional facility opens it up to features that need something like this. It means I don’t have to hand-roll it for each app.
Anyway, that’s the current state of affairs. I have one, maybe two, large features I’d like to work on next. I’ll write about them once they’re done.
Blogging Gallery Tool
Oof! It’s been a while, hasn’t it.
Not sure why I expected my side-project work to continue while I’m here in Canberra. Feels like a waste of a trip to go somewhere — well, not “unique”, I’ve been here before; but different — and expect to spend all your time indoors writing code. Maybe a choice I would’ve made when I was younger, but now? Hmm, better to spend my time outdoors, “touching grass”. So that’s what I’ve been doing.
But I can’t do that all the time, and although I still have UCL (I’ve made some small changes recently, but nothing worth writing about) and Photo Bucket, I spent this past fortnight working on new things.
The first was an aborted attempt at an RSS reader for Android that works with Feedbin. I did get something working, but I couldn’t get it onto my mobile, and frankly it was rather ugly. So I’ve set that idea aside for now. Might revisit it again.
But all my outdoor adventures did motivate me to actually finish something I’ve been wanting to do for a couple of years now. For you see, I take a lot of photos and I’d like to publish them on my in the form of a GLightbox gallery (see this post for an example). But making these galleries is a huge pain. Setting aside that I always forget the short-codes to use, it’s just a lot of work. I’m always switching back and forth between the Upload section in, looking that the images I want to include, and a text file where I’m working on the gallery markup and captions.
I’ve been wishing for some tool which would take on much of this work for me. I’d give it the photos, write the captions, and it would generate the markup. I’ve had a run at building something that would do this a few times already, including an idea for a feature in Photo Bucket. But I couldn’t get over the amount of effort it would take to upload, process, and store the photos. It’s not that it’d would be hard, but it always seemed like double handling, since their ultimate destination was Plus, I was unsure as to how much effort I wanted to put into this, and the minimum amount of effort needed to deal with the images seemed like a bit of a hassle.
It turns out the answer was in front of me this whole time. The hard part was preparing the markup so why couldn’t I build something that simply did that? The images would already be in; just use their URLs. A much simpler approach indeed.
So I started working on “Blogging Tools”, a web-app that’ll handle this part of making galleries. First, I upload the images to, then I copy the image tags into to this tool:
The tool will parse these tags, preserving things like the “alt” attribute, and present the images in the order they’ll appear in the gallery, with text boxes beside each one allowing me to write the caption.
Once I’m done, I can then “render” the gallery, which will produce the Hugo short-codes that I can simply copy and paste into the post.
This took me about a few evenings of work. It’s a simple Go app, using Fiber and Rainstorm, running in Docker. Seeing that the image files themselves are not managed by the tool, once I got the image parsing and rendering done, the rest was pretty straight forward. It’s amazing to think that removing the image handling side of things has turned this once “sizeable” tool into something that that was quick to build and, most importantly, finally exists. I do have more ideas for this “Blogging Tool”. The next idea is porting various command line tools that do simple image manipulation to WASM so I can do them in the browser (these tools were use to crop and produce the shadow of the screenshot in this post). I’m hoping that these would work on the iPad, so that I can do more of the image processing there rather than give up and go to a “real” computer. I should also talk a little about why I chose Rainstorm over Sqlite, or whether that was a good idea. Maybe be more on those topics later, but I’ll leave it here for now.
Bulk Image Selection
Some light housekeeping first: this is the 15th post on this blog so I thought it was time for a proper domain name. Not that buying a domain automatically means I’ll keep at it, but it does feel like I’ve got some momentum writing here now, so I’ll take the $24.00 USD risk. I’d also like to organise a proper site favicon too. I’ve got some ideas but I’ve yet to crack open Affinity Design just yet.
Anyway, I’ve been spending some time on Photo Bucket on and off this past week. I’ve fully implemented the new page model mentioned in the last post, and hooked it up to the switcher in the “Design” admin section. I’ve also built the public gallery and gallery item page.
They’re a little on the simplistic side. That’s partly due to my minimalistic design sensibilities, but it’s also because I haven’t spent a lot of time on the public pages yet. I probably shouldn’t leave it too late, lest my impressions on how it looks drops to the point where I loose interest in working on this again. It’s a challenge, but I guess my counter is that I’ll probably be spending more time in the admin section, so as long as the experience is good enough there, I can probably go by with a very basic public site for now (but not for ever). Now that galleries can be shown on the landing page, I’d like to organise another deployment so that I can start showing images in galleries. But before I do, I’ll need an easy way to move all the existing images into a gallery. Clicking into 25 individual images just to select which gallery they should belong to doesn’t sound desirable to me. So I spent some time adding batch operations to the image admin page. The way it works is that by pressing Shift and clicking the images, you can now select them and perform batch operations, such as add them to a gallery (this is the only one I have now).
I do like how the selection indictor came out. It’s got some DaVinci
Resolve vibes (I’ve been using DaVinci Resolve recently to edit some
videos so I may have been inspired by their design language here) but I
think I might need to use another highlight colour though: I think the
black bleeds too easily into the images. Also, while I was recording the
demo, I realise I broke the ability to rearrange gallery items. I may
need to fix that before redeploying. Clicking “Gallery” brings up a
model similar to the one used in the individual image page. It work’s
slightly differently though: instead of choosing whether the images
appear in the gallery or not, this one is used to choose which galleries
to add the selected images to.
I’m not sure that this is the best modal for this. It was quick to add,
but I get the feeling that using the same model in slightly different
ways could confuse people. So I might do something else here. An idea I
have is a modal more like the following:
The idea is that all the galleries will be listed like before, but will have a three-segmented button to the right. The centre button will be selected by default, and will show how many of the selected images are currently within that particular gallery. To the left will be the option to remove those images from the gallery, and to the right will be the option to add all the remaining selected images to the gallery. These are identified with the number of the selected images each gallery will have when the user clicks “Save”: 0 for none, and the number of selected images for all. For good measure is an option to add all the selected images into a brand new gallery. This will require some backend work so I haven’t started work on this yet. Not sure if this too will be a bit confusing: may need some additional text explaining how it all works. I’m hoping that users would recognise it as operating similar to the Gallery model for a single image.
The Site Page Model
I opened up Photo Bucket this morning and found a bunch of commits involving pages. I had no idea why I added them, until I launched it and started poking around the admin section. I tried a toggle on the Design page which controlled whether the landing page showed a list of photos or galleries, and after finding that it wasn’t connected to anything, it all came flooding back to me. So while what I’m going to describe here isn’t fully implemented yet, I decided to write it down before I forget it again.
So here is where the story continues. Now that galleries have been added to the model, I want to make them available on the public site. For the first cut, I’m hoping to allow the admin (i.e. the site owner) the ability to switch the landing page between a grid of photos or a grid of galleries. This is that single toggle on the “Design” page I was talking about earlier:
Oh, BTW: I finally got around to highlighting the active section in the admin screen. I probably should’ve done this earlier, as deferring these “unnecessary aesthetics tasks” does affect how it feels to use this — and whether or not I’m likely to continue working on it.
Anyway, if this was before the new model I would’ve implemented
this as a flag on the Design
model. But I’d like to start actually
building out how pages on the site are to be modelled. What I’m
thinking is an architecture that looks a little like the
The site content will be encoded using a new Page
model. These Pages
will be used to define the contents of the landing page (each site will
have at least this page by default) along with any additional pages the
user would like to add. Galleries and photos will automatically have
their own pages, and will not need to have any specific Page models to
be present on the site. How these will look, plus the properties and
stylings of the site itself, will be dictated by the Design
Each Page instance will have the following properties:
- Slug — the path the page is available on. For the landing page, this will be `/`.
- Type — what the page will contain.
- other properties like title, description, etc. which have yet to be defined.
The “page type” is probably the most important property of a Page, as it will dictate what the contents of the page will be comprised of. The following page types will be supported at first:
- Photos — grid of all the photos managed on the site.
- Galleries — grid of all the galleries managed on the site.
The user will probably not have much control over how these pages will
look, apart from styling, footers, etc. which will live on the Design
model. But I’m also thinking of adding a page type which would just
produce a standard HTML page from a Markdown body. This could be useful
for About pages or anything else the user may want to add to their site.
I haven’t thought about navigation but I think choosing whether to
include the page on the site’s nav bar would be another useful
The result would be a sitemap that could look a little like the following, where all the user defined pages reference automatically created pages:
And this is what that single toggle should do. It should change the page type of the landing page between photo list and gallery list.
As you can probably guess, there’s currently no way to add additional pages at the moment. But I’m doing this work now so that it should be easier to do later.
Indexing In UCL
I’ve been thinking a little about how to support indexing in UCL, as in
getting elements from a list or keyed values from a map. There already
exists an index
builtin that does this, but I’m wondering if this can
be, or even should be, supported in the language itself.
I’ve reserved .
for this, and it’ll be relatively easy to make use
of it to get map fields. But I do have some concerns with supporting
list element dereferencing using square brackets. The big one being that
if I were to use square brackets the same way that many other languages
do, I suspect (although I haven’t confirmed) that it could lead to the
parser treating them as two separate list literals. This is because the
scanner ignores whitespace, and there’s no other syntactic indicators
to separate arguments to proc calls, like commas:
echo $x[4] --> echo $x [4]
echo [1 2 3][2] --> echo [1 2 3] [2]
So I’m not sure what to do here. I’d like to add support for .
map fields but it feels strange doing that just that and having nothing
for list elements.
I can think of three ways to address this.
Do Nothing — the first option is easy: don’t add any new syntax to
the language and just rely on the index
builtin. TCL does with
lindex, as does Lisp with nth, so I’ll be in good company
Use Only The Dot — the second option is to add support for the dot
and not the square brackets. This is what the Go templating language
does for keys of maps or structs fields. They also have an index
builtin too, which will work with slice elements.
I’d probably do something similar but I may extend it to support index
elements. Getting the value of a field would be what you’d expect, but
to get the element of a list, the construct .(x)
can be used:
echo $x.hello \# returns the "hello" field
echo $x.(4) \# returns the forth element of a list
One benefit of this could be that the .(x)
construct would itself be a
pipeline, meaning that string and calculated values could be used as
echo $x.("hello")
echo $x.($key)
echo $x.([1 2 3] | len)
echo $x.("hello" | toUpper)
I can probably get away with supporting this without changing the scanner or compromising the language design too much. It would be nice to add support for ditching the dot completely when using the parenthesis, BASIC, but I’d probably run into the same issues as with the square brackets if I did, so I think that’s out.
Use Parenthesis To Be Explicit — the last option is to use square brackets, and modify the grammar slightly to only allow the use of suffix expansion within parenthesis. That way, if you’d want to pass a list element as an argument, you have to use parenthesis:
echo ($x[4]) \# forth element of $x
echo $x[4] \# $x, along with a list containing "4"
This is what you’d see in more functional languages like Elm and I think Haskell. I’ll have see whether this could work with changes to the scanner and parser if I were to go with this option. I think it may be achievable, although I’m not sure how.
An alternative way might be to go the other way, and modify the grammar rules so that the square brackets would bind closer to the list, which would mean that separate arguments involving square brackets would need to be in parenthesis:
echo $x[4] \# forth element of $x
echo $x ([4]) \# $x, along with a list containing "4"
Or I could modify the scanner to recognise whitespace characters and use that as a guide to determine whether square brackets following a value. At least one space means the square bracket represent a element suffix, and zero mean two separate values.
So that’s where I am at the moment. I guess it all comes down to what works best for the language as whole. I can live with option one but it would be nice to have the syntax. I rather not go with option three as I’d like to keep the parser simple (I rather not add to all the new-line complexities I’ve have already).
Option two would probably be the least compromising to the design as a whole, even if the aesthetics are a bit strange. I can probably get use to them though, and I do like the idea of index elements being pipelines themselves. I may give option two a try, and see how it goes.
Anyway, more on this later.
Tape Playback Site
Thought I’d take a little break from UCL today.
Mum found a collection of old cassette tapes of us when we were kids, making and recording songs and radio shows. I’ve been digitising them over the last few weeks, and today the first recorded cassette was ready to share with the family.
I suppose I could’ve just given them raw MP3 files, but I wanted to record each cassette as two large files — one per side — so as to not loose much of the various crackles and clatters made when the tape recorder was stopped and started. But I did want to catalogue the more interesting points in the recording, and it would’ve been a bit “meh” simply giving them to others as one long list of timestamps (simulating the rewind/fast-forward seeking action would’ve been a step too far).
Plus, simply emailing MP3 files wasn’t nearly as interesting as what I did do, which was to put together a private site where others could browse and play the recorded tapes:
The site is not much to talk about — it’s a Hugo site using the Mainroad theme and deployed to Netlify. There is some JavaScript that moves the playhead when a chapter link is clicked, but the rest is just HTML and CSS. But I did want to talk about how I got the audio files into Netlify. I wanted to use `git lfs` for this and have Netlify fetch them when building the site. Netlify doesn’t do this by default, and I get the sense that Netlify’s support for LFS is somewhat deprecated. Nevertheless, I gave it a try by adding an explicit `git lfs` step in the build to fetch the audio files. And it could’ve been that I was using the LFS command incorrectly, or maybe it was invoked at the wrong time. But whatever the reason, the command errored out and the audio files didn’t get pulled. I tried a few more times, and I probably could’ve got it working if I stuck with it, but all those deprecation warnings in Netlify’s documentation gave me pause.
So what I ended up doing was turning off builds in Netlify and using a Github Action which built the Hugo site and publish it to Netlify using the CLI tool. Here’s the Github Action in full:
name: Publish to Netify
branches: [main]
name: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
fetch-depth: 0
lfs: true
- name: Setup Hugo
uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v3
hugo-version: '0.119.0'
- name: Build Site
run: |
npm install
- name: Deploy
run: |
netlify deploy --dir=public --prod
This ended up working quite well: the audio files made it to Netlify and were playable on the site. The builds are also quite fast; around 55 seconds (an earlier version involved building Hugo from source, which took 5 minutes). So for anyone else interested in trying to serve LFS files via Netlify, maybe try turning off the builds and going straight to using Github Action and the CLI tool. That is… if you can swallow the price of LFS storage in Github. Oof! A little pricy. Might be that I’ll need to use something else for the audio files.